Unlocking Women's Full Potential In Life & Business

Gain More Confidence So You Can Crush Your Goals, Transform Your Relationships, And Make More Money In 8 Weeks Using Our Signature Empowerment Coaching Program

This is for women who are seeking a straightforward, effective, and empowering way to boost their confidence and achieve their goals…

Does this resonate with you?

  • Investing hours into self-help books, courses, and online videos, yet still feeling stuck.

  • Constantly questioning and doubting yourself, scared to take a leap of faith.

  • Having issues balancing the masculine and feminine energy.

  • Not happy with your career and personal relationships.

  • Not reaching your full potential and feeling like you're meant for so much more.

  • Ready to break outside of your old patterns and create new ones that make success happen naturally.

  • Not loving and thinking highly of yourself.

  • Not believing your capable or deserving of your dream life.

  • Having trouble following through with your business and personal goals because a lack of confidence, systems, and accountability.

Now imagine this....

  • Turning the dreams on your vision board into your everyday reality through decisive action.

  • Achieving the goals you set for yourself and enjoying a sense of inner love.

  • Waking up each morning feeling empowered and confident, ready to take on the day.

  • Effortlessly setting and achieving personal and professional goals that once seemed out of reach.

  • Building strong, fulfilling relationships both in your personal life and at work.

  • Experiencing a newfound sense of self-worth and appreciation for your unique abilities.

  • Making decisions with clarity and confidence, knowing they align with your true desires and goals.

  • Developing a positive and growth mindset that turns obstacles into opportunities.

  • Creating a life balance that allows for personal development, career growth, and time for loved ones.

  • Cultivating a mindset of positivity and growth, where challenges become stepping stones to success.

  • Harmonizing your masculine and feminine energies, leading to a more balanced, powerful, and authentic self.

Hi, I'm Natalie,

Your Mindset & Business Coach

I'm a 3x business owner, speaker, mom, and founder of The Girlypreneurs. I love business, but I'm also a girly girl ✨

I graduated from UC Berkeley, the #1 public university in the world.

During my time there, I founded my first business, a nationwide signing service. I scaled it to six-figures at 20 years old, which allowed me to purchase my first home at 21 years old, which I now Airbnb.

I then went on to launch and AI Systems & Automations Agency helping businesses scale their business.

My mission now is to empower women to become the CEO of their life and create the life of their dreams.

  • 3x Business Owner

  • Motivational Public Speaker

  • Business & Mindset Coach

The SHE-EO Academy

The SHE-EO Academy is a 8 week transformative coaching program that guides and equips you with a proven system for unlocking your full potential and attracting success in all aspects of life.

This program is titled "The SHE-EO Academy" because it allows you to become the CEO of your life and business and take charge of your dream life.

As you grow in confidence and achieve your goals, you'll find yourself reinvesting this newfound self-assurance and success back into your personal and professional life, creating an endless loop of personal growth and achievement.

STEP 1: Goal Achievement Blueprint

Focus: Setting and achieving personal and career goals.

Activities: Goal-setting workshops, accountability partnerships, and progress tracking.

Goal: Equip participants with the tools and strategies to set clear goals and create actionable plans to achieve them.

Many women struggle with setting and achieving goals that truly resonate with their personal and professional aspirations. Often, goals are either too vague or lack a roadmap, making them difficult to pursue effectively.

Our four-step "Goal Achievement Blueprint" is designed to bring crystal-clear focus to your objectives, aligning them with your deepest values and aspirations. This process will empower you to set meaningful, attainable goals, and distinguish yourself in your personal and professional journey.

By following this blueprint, you'll gain the tools and insights needed to transform your approach to goal setting, ensuring that each goal is a stepping stone towards your ultimate vision of success.

STEP 2: Mindset Mastery

Focus: Building a resilient and positive mindset.

Activities: Guided self-reflection exercises, mindset shifting techniques, and personalized affirmations.

Goal: To help participants overcome limiting beliefs and foster a growth-oriented mindset.

Many women face difficulties in developing a mindset that supports their personal and professional growth. Often, mindsets are hindered by limiting beliefs or a fixed perspective, making personal advancement challenging.

Our four-step "Mindset Mastery" process is designed to bring a transformative clarity to your thought patterns, aligning them with your goals and true potential. This process will empower you to break free from limiting beliefs, embrace a growth mindset, and stand out in your personal and professional life.

By engaging in this process, you'll acquire the mindset strategies and insights necessary to fundamentally change how you perceive and interact with the world, ensuring every challenge is viewed as an opportunity for success and personal growth.

STEP 3: Confidence Acceleration

Focus: Enhancing self-confidence and self-belief.

Activities: Public speaking exercises, confidence-boosting challenges, and role-playing scenarios.

Goal: Empower participants to feel more confident in personal and professional settings.

Many individuals struggle with self-confidence, which can be a barrier to achieving their full potential in personal and professional settings. Often, this lack of confidence stems from deep-rooted self-doubt or previous experiences that have shaped a negative self-image.

Our four-step "Confidence Acceleration" program is designed to instill lasting self-confidence by transforming how participants see and value themselves. This process is about more than just feeling confident; it's about nurturing a deep, internal belief in your own abilities and worth.

Through this program, you'll engage in activities that challenge and change your self-perception, gradually building a strong and resilient sense of confidence. This transformation will enable you to step out of your comfort zone, assertively pursue your aspirations, and effectively handle both personal and professional challenges with poise and assurance.

STEP 4: Relationship Revilatization

Focus: Improving communication and relationship-building skills.

Activities: Interactive workshops on effective communication, empathy building, and conflict resolution.

Goal: Strengthen participants' abilities to build and maintain healthy personal and professional relationships.

Many people encounter challenges in their relationships due to poor communication, lack of empathy, or misunderstanding of others' perspectives. These issues can lead to strained interactions and unfulfilling connections in both personal and professional spheres.

Our four-step "Relationship Revitalization" program is crafted to address these challenges head-on, fostering skills that are crucial for nurturing strong, positive relationships. This process is about more than just avoiding conflicts; it's about building a foundation of understanding, respect, and meaningful communication.

Participants in this program will engage in targeted activities designed to enhance their interpersonal skills. These activities aim to improve listening, empathize with others' viewpoints, and express oneself clearly and respectfully. The outcome is a transformative improvement in how you relate to others, leading to more fulfilling and supportive relationships in all areas of your life.

Power Of Women 💗

When I started my entrepreneurial journey, the only people I knew and looked up to were MEN like Andy Frisella, Edd Mylet, and Patrick Bet- David.

Nothing wrong with that, but they did not look like me, which made it harder to relate.

It wasn't until later that I started to learn about powerful entrepreneurs like Cindy Eckert who sold her business for $1B in cash! That's when it hit me…

As a woman, there are challenges, moments of self-doubt, and mountains to climb.

That's why I created The Girlypreneurs! My mission is to empower and elevate women entrepreneurs globally by providing them with the tools, resources, and community they need to turn their business dreams into a reality, ultimately transforming their lives and creating a ripple effect of positive change in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Unlocking Women's Full Potential In Life & Business